5 Must Dos before Speaking with a Medium

During times of grief people yearn to have one last conversation with a departed loved one. However, on our own we lack the ability to have this precious dialogue. By working with a psychic medium, you can reach your loved one and hear important messages that can bring us healing and peace. The best way to make sure you have a productive session is to make sure to do your research beforehand.
We recommend trying the five following tips to ensure you make the most out your money and time with both your psychic and loved one.
1) Where are you in the grief process?
Before you see a psychic, you need to make sure you are mentally healthy to process your grief and any messages sent by your loved one. There is no timeframe that impacts the ability of a spirit to communicate with us. Therefore, you don’t need to feel like you have to rush into the process of seeing a medium. Make sure to first attend to your mental health and seek counseling to full process your grief and emotions. Profound sadness or anger will create blockages in your energetic fields and will prevent you from receiving any valuable messages. The spirits will come through most easily if you feel confident in yourself and have openness in your heart.
2) Find the best medium for your needs
Vet potential psychics from recommendations either by someone you know or through internet reviews. Reviews gives critical insight into how this medium structures their session and pricing. If you are interested in a famous medium, looking at their website may provide a list of regional options for you. You can either attend a “spirit circle” where readings are given randomly to a large group, or have a private session. “Spirit circles” are useful if you are nervous about the process and not yet ready to have a private session. Private sessions will guard your privacy and gives you more time to process the message and ask any questions. Tap into your inner voice to discover which option is best for you at this time.
3) Find time to be by yourself to prepare for the session
Invite your loved one to join during this time and tell them about your upcoming visit. Ask them if they would be willing to come through during your time with the medium. You can use this time to prime them for the purpose of the visit and some questions you want to ask. Tap into your inner wisdom for any tips to ensure that you remain open and receptive to messages that might through during the meeting and any advice the medium might share with you. When you arrive for your meeting, have the medium explain their process. Have the medium describe the process beforehand. Have a firm idea of the questions you want to ask and what information you feel ready to share with the medium. Some information needs to be given to ensure the proper messages are being relayed and you are finding the time beneficial.
4) Try to minimize your expectations, but maintain an open mind
By keeping low expectations, you lessen the likelihood that you will leave feeling disappointed. Plus, expectations may prevent you from hearing important messages that differ from those you were hoping to hear. Be receptive and be willing to accept the unexpected. You also might find it helpful to record the session if permissible. A recording will allow to feel more present during the reading and not busy trying to jot down notes. A lot of information will most likely come through and not everything will be clear to you during the session. Recording your time will allow to revisit your time with the medium later on, and then things might make more sense. Be confident to voice any concerns during the session, especially if something doesn’t sound applicable. Finally, not every session is a homerun. If you feel you didn’t get enough out of the session be willing to try another time at a later date with a different medium.
5) Journal your thoughts or impressions as soon as you left the session
Readings are emotional and contain a lot of information. By recording your thoughts, you can revisit your meeting later when you feel more grounded. You may also want to include ways to feel more connected to your loved one away from a medium session. Listen to what your intuition tells you, there is no wrong answer. You may feel more open to communicating with them after this reading. You can continue the conversations through writing letters, speaking out loud to them or adding more photos of them to your home. Although they have departed this plane of existence, they are never “gone.” They want you enjoy your life – go on and feel creative and LIVE!
The suggestions provided here are quite practical. Particularly, I find the emphasis on emotional readiness crucial. It highlights that we must first confront our grief before seeking external validation from psychics.
I agree! The suggestion to journal post-session resonates deeply with me. It’s a thoughtful way to process complex emotions and insights received during such profound experiences.
It strikes me as somewhat paradoxical that one must approach something so deeply spiritual and personal with such clinical detachment as suggested here; isn’t grief itself a raw and unfiltered experience?
This article offers an insightful approach to grief and communication with departed loved ones. It emphasizes the importance of mental health and preparation before engaging with a medium, which is often overlooked.
‘Minimize your expectations’? Sounds like a euphemism for setting yourself up for disappointment in what should be a sacred experience. Why should we settle for mediocrity when reaching out to the afterlife?
‘Spirits will come through most easily if you feel confident’? What if my spirit guides are just introverts? They could be hiding behind the cosmic couch waiting for me to chill out!
The emphasis on research and vetting psychics is commendable; it encourages responsible engagement with practices that can easily become exploitative in times of emotional vulnerability.
‘Invite your loved one to join during this time’? If only my late uncle would stop critiquing my choices from beyond! Still, it’s an interesting notion of preparing our departed friends for communication.
‘Prepare them for questions’? That’s bold! What if they have questions of their own? ‘Why didn’t you eat my cookies when I was alive?’
‘What would they say?’. Perhaps it would be more entertaining than enlightening! ‘I told you not to wear that shirt!’
While I appreciate the intention behind this article, it reads more like a guide to exploiting vulnerable individuals rather than genuine support for those in grief. Mediums are, after all, just modern-day snake oil salesmen.